By Pamela Kieck Fashion Columnist Published Jul 30, 2018 at 6:01 PM

Cleaning out your closet can be stressful. But there comes a time where you need to let go of some pieces in your wardrobe – and I've come up with five questions to ask yourself to make it easier to decide what stays and what goes.

1. Have I worn it in the last year? 

If you haven't thought to wear something in the last year, then trust me, you aren't going to grab it and put it on anytime soon. Don't get me wrong: There are exceptions, like certain sentimental pieces such as a wedding dress or a piece from a loved one that you can keep forever. But in the case of general attire, if you haven't styled it or worn it in 365 days, it's time to GO! 

2. Does it fit? 

We all have those pieces in our closet that we keep in the hopes of being able to fit back into them. But in reality, 99 percent of the time, if you do get back to that size, you'll want to go buy new on-trend looks anyway. So keeping your old college jeans are pointless – because bedazzled butt, low-rise jeans are hopefully NEVER going back in style. 

3. Is it a classic piece or a trend from the past? 

Classic pieces can withstand the test of time, but trend pieces change as the seasons do. We tend to spend less money on trend pieces because they won't be in our wardrobe that long, while classics are investments. So while classic pieces can stay, get rid of the trendy pieces that are no longer in style. Or you can be like me and box certain trendy pieces up for my kids someday (if that ever happens) and they will have great vintage pieces for their wardrobe when that trend comes back around! 

4. Is it good shape? 

The sweater that has been worn to threads. The shoes with the soles coming off. The jeans that have a rip in the zipper. We all have pieces that, at some point, we have loved to death but just aren't willing to part with just yet. Well, go through those and think: Are you willing to get them fixed or tailored to make them perfect again? If not, part ways. 

5. Does this piece hold sentimental value? 

If a piece in your wardrobe has sentimental value to you, like your wedding dress, the outfit you met your spouse in or a piece from a relative that is no longer with us, then ALL of these rules are null and void. Keep those. They are meaningful. 

If any pieces fail the questions above and hold no sentimental value, however, get rid of it. 

Pamela Kieck Fashion Columnist
Pamela Kieck is a Milwaukee based fashionista and is the founder of the fashion, beauty and lifestyle website Pamela has always found herself with an intense interest in style,body positivity, and empowering women to live their best life all while looking fabulous!

Pamela has recently been named an Influencer by Vogue magazine, and is a Social Media Influencer for Cosmopolitan magazine. She enjoys a recurring gig on Milwaukee's Fox 6 Real Milwaukee as a Style/ Beauty expert.

Pamela is bold, outspoken and doesn't take herself too seriously. She is a dog mom to 2 puppies, Cooper and Winston. She can't live without mascara, oversized sunglasses and a lavender latte from Stone Creek Coffee.

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