By Rich Peverley, Special to OMC   Published Apr 20, 2007 at 4:42 PM

Editor's note: As the Admirals work their way through the Calder Cup Playoffs, select players, coaches, announcers and team officials will be filing periodic diaries for This installment is from defenseman Rich Peverley.

The playoffs started Friday and my taxes were due Tuesday, so I got that done. I got them in just in time. But besides that, I've just been getting ready for the playoffs, relaxing and watching a lot of playoff hockey in the NHL.

I spent the month of March playing in Nashville and had a great time. They have a really good team there and I wish them the best of luck during the playoffs. If any injuries should happen, I would love to be called up again, but I'm here now and I'm glad to be a part of this team.

Everyone is always talking about the big difference between games in the regular season and the playoffs. Basically, the difference is intensity. Everybody has a little bit more intensity and energy and we're all going 100 percent. The playoffs dictate a lot of how well guys play and who shows up ready for the game. Guys want to leave an impression on a series and hopefully win a series.

We've already seen Chicago 10 times this year so there is already that rivalry there with a little bit of an edge. Now that we're going to see them in the first round of the playoffs, it means that much more. There's going to be that many more guys who are working harder and it just means its going to be even more intense. Guys are really going to want to win the series, so who knows what's going to happen out there.

I just got engaged and my fiancé is going to be around for the playoffs. She understands the quirks that happen during a streak. Whatever the hot streak is and whatever the superstition is at the time, she doesn't mind. She played athletics when she was in University so she understands everything and how it works. She's really good with whatever I need to do to be ready for a game and she supports me, so that's good. The wedding is next July, so if the Admirals are in the Calder Cup finals next season, I have a little down time after the season to get ready.