By Dave Roloff Published Apr 15, 2008 at 1:38 PM

If the rumor is in fact true that the Brewers have acquired the much-maligned Jeff Weaver, it definitely offers up some questions as to the purpose behind this signing.

Given Weaver's veteran status and the fact that he is represented by none other than Scott Boras it is likely that part of the deal is a guarantee that Weaver will be brought up to the big club from Nashville when he is ready to pitch.

With Yovani Gallardo likely returning to the rotation next week the Brewers pitching cupboard isn't exactly bare. This signing would have made more sense years ago sifting through the likes of Ruben Quevedo and Rafael Roque. As it stands, Dave Bush is likely making his last start tonight then moving to the long relief role that is currently occupied by Seth McClung.

With the rotation set and the bullpen crowded is Weaver just an insurance policy?

Does Mike Maddux see something in Weaver that he thinks he could resolve and bring back the Jeff Weaver of 1999?

Or is something more on the back burner?

Is it possible the Melvin is greasing the skids with Boras by offering Weaver a contract in return for some goodwill with Prince Fielder?

I am not suggesting a hometown discount or anything of that nature, but having a good relationship with Boras doesn't hurt in negotiations with Fielder or other Boras clients. Also it may offer the opportunity to pay over slot with one of their extra draft picks this June on one of Boras' many gems, like the Tigers did last year with Rick Porcello.

Either way, Melvin is always working to improve the club regardless of the situation and this is another example of his no stone left unturned policy.

Dave was born and raised on the south side of Milwaukee. He is a graduate of UW-Oshkosh where he graduated in Business while playing four years of football. He is a sports junkie who, instead of therapy, just watches the Bucks and the Brewers. Dave is a season ticket holder for the Brewers, Bucks and Packers, as well as a football coach at Greendale High School. Dave still likes to think he still can play baseball but has moved on to the more pedestrian sports of bowling and golf. Dave is a Pisces and it depends on whom he is walking with to determine whether he likes long walks on the beach. Dave writes with an encyclopedic knowledge and a sarcastic flare. Mainly to insure his sanity.